Generasia would not be possible without tokyograph and all the wonderful people who've contributed over the past 15 years. Thank you!

Happy! Enjoy! Fresh!

Album art
Catalog Number
WPZL-30148 (Limited edition)
WPCL-10732 (Regular edition)
¥3,500 (Limited edition)
¥3,150 (Regular edition)
CD Tracklist
  1. Super☆Looper
  2. Afro Samurai
  3. Tabun Kitto (たぶんきっと)
  4. Kimi ga Kureta Mono (キミがくれたもの) / YA-KYIM respects CIMBA
  5. Karappo no Heya (からっぽの部屋) / YA-KYIM respects Dohzi-THI-D
  6. Tippin'
  7. Sail Away (セイルアウェイ) / YA-KYIM respects PES (RIP SLYME)
  8. To・mo・da・chi (ト・モ・ダ・チ) / YA-KYIM respects Spontania
  9. Koi No Yorokobi (コイノヨロコビ)
  10. Sa Iko! (さぁ行こう!) / YA-KYIM respects SEAMO
  11. Shin-Kokyu (“新”呼吸)
  12. Lululala (るるらら) / YA-KYIM respects CHIHARU
  13. HAPPY FACE (original ver.)
  14. Midori+JOY ~six minutes of funk~ (縁+JOY ~six minutes of funk~) / YA-KYIM respects K.I.N (MELLOW YELLOW), YUTAKA (Full Of Harmony), CHANNEL, CUE ZERO
DVD Tracklist
  1. Dance Stylin' / YA-KYIM respects APE☆MEN, crashe→z, WaLLoP (PV)
  2. Girl's Talk~the story of 99-09


HAPPY!ENJOY!FRESH! is the third album released by YA-KYIM. It reached #30 on Oricon Albums Charts, and charted for two weeks. This is they first album with Warner Music Japan.

External Links