Generasia would not be possible without tokyograph and all the wonderful people who've contributed over the past 15 years. Thank you!


Album art
Catalog Number
  1. HB
  2. music♪
  3. Shounen⇒Jirai ~Yatto Mitsuketa Ashita~ (少年⇒爾来〜やっと見つけた明日〜)
  4. 1/6000000000 feat. C&K
  5. New Birthday
  6. Destiny ~Kusuo Hen~ (Destiny ~九州男編~)
  7. Machiawase... feat. lecca (待ち合わせ。。。; Meeting..)
  8. dear mama
  9. Hadashi (裸足; Barefoot)
  10. WORLD
  11. Come In Now! feat. Sugimoto Kyouichi (LÄ-PPISCH)
  12. Kumo no Ue Kimi e (prologue) (雲の上の君え (prologue))
  13. Arigatou no Uta (ありがとうの詩; Thanks Song)
  14. 1/6000000000 (acoustic version) feat. C&K (Bonus Track)


"HB" is Kusuo's debut album. It includes his most succesful single, "1/6000000000". "music♪" was used as the NTV program Ongaku Senshi MUSIC FIGHTER opening theme through July while "Come In Now!" was used as the ending theme to the NTV series DOORS 2008.

It reached #2 on the Oricon charts and charted for fifteen weeks.

Oricon Charts Positions

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week Rank Sales
- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 42,409
6 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 25,616
9 9 7 7 8 8 8 7 14,206
15 12 11 11 14 12 13 12 11,139
30 26 24 26 22 24 21 24 6,151
40 48 46 39 42 38 37 45 3,949
- - 47 47 - 40 50 53 2,807
- - - - - - - 97 1,939

Total Reported Sales: 108,216

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