Generasia would not be possible without tokyograph and all the wonderful people who've contributed over the past 15 years. Thank you!

Mic-a-Holic A.I.

Album art
Catalog Number
  1. If
  2. 365 feat. DELI
  3. Another Day
  4. Once In A Lifetime
  5. QUEEN
  6. just listen -interlude-
  7. Party
  8. Sha La La
  9. airport -interlude
  10. California
  11. Summer Breeze
  13. Sunshine
  14. a poem -interlude-
  15. Story


"MIC-A-HOLIC A.I." is AI's fourth album. It was leaded by her biggest-selling single Story, which went to sell more than 300,000 copies.

It reached #4 on the Oricon charts and charted for seventy-one weeks. As it sold 378,409 copies in 2005, it was the 35th best-selling album of that year.

Oricon Charts Positions

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week Rank Sales
- x x x x x x 4 85,402
x x x x x x x 4 55,914
x x x x x x x 7 36,020
x x x x x x x 8 27,170
x x x x x x x 10 18,889
x x x x x x x 14 19,630
x x x x x x x 5 33,285
x x x x x x x 8 24,072
x x x x x x x 12 15,614
x x x x x x x 15 11,132
x x x x x x x 23 7,789
x x x x x x x x x,xxx
x x x x x x x x x,xxx
x x x x x x x x x,xxx
x x x x x x x 34 5,276
x x x x x x x x x,xxx
x x x x x x x 59 3,450

Total Reported Sales: 466,763

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