Generasia would not be possible without tokyograph and all the wonderful people who've contributed over the past 15 years. Thank you!

Too Wonderful

Album art
too Wonderful
Catalog Number
CD1 Tracklist
  1. Souljah (Ram Jam World Remix)
  2. Wonderful (Malawi Rocks Remix)
  3. destiny (TURBO'S SIGMA Mix)
  4. Rollin' on (sonicballoon rollin'80's remix)
  5. Disturbance (Wall 5 Remix) feat. TOKONA-X
  6. On the double (MATALLY MIX)
  7. Had to (Dub's out of order Remix)
  8. Betcha (bossadubit MIX)
  9. destiny (Nawata's S.D.E mix)
  10. Rollin' on remix feat. AI
  11. My Friend (R.Yamaki Remix) with AI
  12. Breathe again (Flying Grind Mix)
  13. Okaeri (Groove That Soul Mix)
CD2 Tracklist
Non-Stop Mix Mixed by "ageHa"
  1. Make Me Happy (HARD CONTROL MIX)
  2. Don't Rush (TURBO'S SIGMA Mix)
  3. Shake (Dub's AGE Remix)
  4. Stay With Me (TURBO'S SIGMA Mix)
  5. FLOOR (sonicballoon FRENCH TOUCHED REMIX)
  6. Who's That Girl (ORIENTA-RHYTHM "urbanite" MIX)
  7. ABC (R.Yamaki's Garage Mix)
  8. I Miss you (Lenny Fontana Vocal Mix) / GTS feat. DOUBLE
  9. Let's Get Together (Groove That Soul Mix) feat. HERO from F.O.H
  10. Driving All Night (TURBO'S SIGMA Mix)
  11. Little Things You Do (Roland Clark Mix)
  12. Sweet Time (Naoki Utsugi Remix)
  13. Angel (AURORA JET MIX)


too Wonderful is the third remix album released by DOUBLE. It includes remixes new remixes of songs from her album, released two months later on the first CD. The second CD includes remixes used on events at ageHa, a nightclub.

It reached #23 on the Oricon charts and charted for seven weeks.

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