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Virgin Mix

Album art
DJ Lilly A.K.A. Double's Virgin Mix (DJ リリーA.K.A.ダブル〜ヴァージン・ミックス/ オムニバス)
Catalog Number
  1. Lilly's Party 〜Intro〜
  2. Time To Party/ Craig David
  3. Because Of You/ Ne-Yo
  4. U Know What's Up/ Donell Jones feat. Left Eye
  5. Can You Handle It?/ DOUBLE
  6. Request Line/ Zhane
  7. L.O.V.E. (Red One Remix)/ Christina Milian
  8. I Don't Need A Man/ The Pussycat Dolls
  9. Rock The Party (Radio Mix)/ DOUBLE
  10. .Hey Mama/ The Black Eyed Peas
  11. What's Virgin Mix? 〜Interlude〜
  12. Hot In Herre/ Nelly
  13. Switch/ Will Smith
  14. Pon De Replay/ Rihanna
  15. Who's That Girl?/ EVE
  16. Who's That Girl/ DOUBLE
  17. Baby I'm Back feat. Akon / Baby Bash
  18. My Name Is Lilly 〜Interlude〜
  19. The Sweet Escape feat. Akon (Konvict Remix) / Gwen Stefani
  20. Get It Shawty/ Lloyd
  21. Try Again/ Aaliyah
  22. Go Too Far feat. Melody Thornton from The Pussycat Dolls / Jibbs
  23. Akways On Time feat.Ashanti/ Ja Rule
  24. Do It To It feat. Sean Paul Of The YoungBloodz / Cherish
  25. What You Gonna Do? feat. Bun B / Natalie
  26. We Ride Stargate Remix/ Rihanna
  27. So Sick/ Ne-Yo
  28. Love/ Keyshia Cole
  29. Thank You 〜Out


Virgin Mix is DOUBLE's first remix album under the name DJ Lilly a.k.a. DOUBLE. It contains remixes of western songs and some of her songs. It reached #13 on the Oricon charts, selling 41,562 copies.