Generasia would not be possible without tokyograph and all the wonderful people who've contributed over the past 15 years. Thank you!

Azalea (ILY:1)

Single Cover
AZALEA (아질리아)
Lee Seung Jae
STEVEN LEE, AVENUE 52, Darren Ellis Smith
Other Information
Arrangement: STEVEN LEE, AVENUE 52, Darren Ellis Smith
String Arrangement: Park Se Hyeon
String: Phill String
Piano: Park Se Hyeon
Chorus: Kim So Hyun
Keyboards & Programming: STEVEN LEE, AVENUE 52, Darren Ellis Smith
Vocal Recording: Jang Su Nam @VELVET STUDIO
String Recording: Kim Hee Jae @CSMUSIC&
Mix: Gu Jong Pil @KLANG STUDIO
Assistance: Kang Seon Young
Master: Kwon Nam Woo @821 SOUND MASTERING


"AZALEA" is a song recorded by ILY:1. It can be found as track #1 on their debut single "Love In Bloom".


There are currently two recorded versions of "AZALEA" found in ILY:1's discography. These versions are:

Found on the "Love In Bloom" single as track #1. This is the standard version.
AZALEA inst.
Found on the "Love In Bloom" single as track #3. This is the standard version without the main vocals.