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Sunset Bicycle

Single Cover
Kobayashi Aika
Sunset Bicycle
Saeki YouthK
Tashiro Tomokazu
Other Information
Arrangement: Saeki YouthK
Guitar: Ariga Kyohei
Bass: Suzuki Wataru
Keyboards & All Other Instruments: Saeki YouthK


"Sunset Bicycle" is a song recorded by Kobayashi Aika. It can be found as track #2 on her second major single "Tough Heart".


There are currently two recorded versions of "Sunset Bicycle" found in Kobayashi Aika's discography. These versions are:

Sunset Bicycle
Found on the "Tough Heart" single as track #2. This is the standard version.
Sunset Bicycle (Instrumental)
Found on the "Tough Heart" single as track #5. This is the standard version without the main vocals.