Generasia would not be possible without tokyograph and all the wonderful people who've contributed over the past 15 years. Thank you!

Life Is... (album)

Album art
Hirai Ken
LIFE is...
Catalog Number
  1. Strawberry Sex
  3. ex-girlfriend
  4. Ring
  5. Come Back
  6. somebody's girl
  7. I'm so drunk
  8. Missin' You ~It will break my heart~
  9. Sekai de Ichiban Kimi ga Suki? (世界で一番君が好き?)
  10. Memories (メモリーズ)
  11. LIFE is...
  12. Ooki na Furudokei (大きな古時計; A Big Old Clock)


LIFE is... is the fifth album released by Hirai Ken. It reached #1 on the Oricon charts and sold 752,951 copies becoming the #10 best-selling album of 2003. Four months later, the song "LIFE is..." was released as a re-cut single titled "LIFE is... ~another story~".

It was released on the same days as Ken Hirai Films Vol. 5.

Oricon Charts Positions

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week Rank Sales
- x x x x x x 1 351,258
x x x x x x x 3 125,065
x x x x x x x 7 50,130
x x x x x x x 6 32,103
x x x x x x x 17 16,219

Total Reported Sales: 806,133

External Links