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Golden Best Kawai Sonoko

From generasia
Album Cover
Kawai Sonoko
Golden☆Best Kawai Sonoko (ゴールデン☆ベスト 河合その子)
Catalog Number
Disc 1 Tracklist
  1. Namida no Jasmine LOVE (涙の茉莉花LOVE; Jasmine's Tears of Love)
  2. Koi no Chapter A to Z (恋のチャプターA to Z; Love's Chapter A to Z)
  3. Ochiba no Cresendo (落葉のクレッシェンド; Fallen Leave's Crescendo)
  4. Gogo no Pas de Deux (午後のパドドゥ; Afternoon's Dance of Two)
  5. Message (メッセージ)
  6. Aoi Station (青いスタスィオン; Blue Station)
  7. Sayonara wa Iwanaide (さよならは言わないで; 'Don't Say Goodbye)
  8. Saikai no Labyrinth (再会のラビリンス; The Labyrinth of a Reunion)
  9. Jopanni no Sasayaku (ジョバン二の囁き; Jopanni's Whisper)
  10. Kanashii Yoru wo Tomete (悲しい夜を止めて; Stop the Sad Night)
  11. Yasashisa Nante Iranai (やさしさなんていらない)
  12. Aishuu no Carnival (哀愁のカルナバル; The Carnival of Sadness)
  13. Romance no Yukue (ロマンスの行方; The Direction of Romance)
  14. JESSY
  15. Sekidou wo Koeta Somerset Maugham (赤道を越えたサマセットモーム; Somerset Maugham Who Crossed Over the Equator)
  16. Yume Kara Sameta Tenshi (夢から醒めた天使; An Angel Awaken From a Dream)
  17. Ashita e no Tegami (明日への手紙;; A Letter For Tomorrow)
  18. Ame no Memorandum (雨のメモランダム; Rain's Memorandum)
Disc 2 Tracklist
  1. Prism (プリズム)
  2. Ame no Ki (雨の木; Rain's Tree)
  3. Hito Toki no Mirai (ひとときの未来)
  4. Sora wo Miagete (空を見上げて; Look Up at the Sky)
  5. Friends (フレンズ)
  6. Giniro Kaigan ~Mind Lithograph~ (銀色海岸; Silver Coast)
  7. Anemone no Kioku (アネモネの記憶; Memory of Anemone)
  8. Umareta Mama no Kaze (生まれたままの風)
  9. Umi no Ashiato (海の足跡; The Footprints of the Sea)
  10. Sayonara Back Stage Kiss (さよならBack Stage Kiss; Goodbye Back Stage Kiss)
  11. Shangri-la no Natsu (Long Version) (シャングリラの夏; Shangri-la's Summer)
  12. Hoshi no Period (星のピリオド; The Period of the Star)
  13. Kanashimi no Tristurna (悲しみのトリスターナ; The Tristurna of Sadness)
  14. Tomodoi no Bayer (戸惑いのバイエル; Bayer's Confusion)
  15. Koi no College Ring (恋のカレッジ・リング: Lover's College Ring)
  16. Awai Murasaki no Bright Lights (LIVE) (淡い紫のブライトライツ(; The Bright Lights of Light Purple)
  17. Noel no Tame no Akai Heel (LIVE) (Noelの為の赤いヒール(LIVE); The Benefit of the Red Heel's Noel)
  18. Prism {LIVE} (プリズム(LIVE))


Golden☆Best Kawai Sonoko is the fourth best album released by Kawai Sonoko.

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