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GO!GO!7188 Tonosama Tour 2001 Oite: Hibiya Yagai Ongakudou

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DVD Cover
GO!GO!7188 Tonosama Tour 2001 Oite: Hibiya Yagai Ongakudou (とのさまツアー2001 於:日比谷野外音楽堂)
Catalog Number
TOBF-5095 (DVD)
TOVF-1372 (VHS)
¥4,200 (DVD)
¥4,000 (VHS)
  1. Rock (ロック)
  2. Seibu (西部; The West)
  3. Yukue Fumei (行方不明; Missing)
  4. Yuge (ゆげ; Steam)
  5. C7
  6. Aoi Hoshikuzu (蒼い星くず; Blue Stardust)
  7. Koi no Fuga (恋のフーガ; Fugue of Love) (The Peanuts cover)
  8. Kimi to Itsumademo (君といつまでも)
  9. Aa Seishun (あぁ青春; Ah, Youth)
  10. Dotanba de Cancel (ドタン場でキャンセル; Cancelled at the Last Moment)
  11. Nukarumi (ぬかるみ; Mud)
  12. Jet Ninjin (ジェットにんぢん; Jet Carrot)
  13. Taiyou (太陽; Sun)
  14. Bungu (文具; Stationery)
  15. Punk (パンク)
  16. Koi no Uta (こいのうた; Love Song)
  17. Hyokkori Hyoutanjima (ひょっこりひょうたん島)
  18. Kaminari ga Natte Takusan Ame ga Furu Yoru (かみなりが鳴ってたくさん雨が降る夜; Night is Bringing Alot of Rain and Thunder)


GO!GO!7188 Tonosama Tour 2001 Oite: Hibiya Yagai Ongakudou is the first live VHS/DVD released by GO!GO!7188. It features footage from their "Tonosama" tour.

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