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Sekidou wo Koeta Somerset Maugham

"JESSY" Cover
Kawai Sonoko
Sekidou wo Koeta Somerset Maugham (赤道を越えたサマセットモーム; Somerset Maugham Who Crossed Over the Equator)
Akimoto Yasushi
Goto Tsugutoshi
Other Information
Arrangement: Goto Tsugutoshi

"Sekidou wo Koeta Somerset Maugham" is a pop song recorded by Kawai Sonoko. It is found on the album Rouge et Bleu as track #7, on the single "JESSY" as track #2, on the album Golden☆Best Kawai Sonoko as track #15 on Disc 1, and on the box set Kawai Sonoko Premium as track #7 on Disc 4.