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Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!

Single Cover
Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan! (ウチらの地元は地球じゃん!; Our Hometown Is Earth!)
Hoshibe Sho
Hoshibe Sho
Other Information
Arrangement: Okubo Kaoru


"Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!" is a song recorded by OCHA NORMA. It appears on the single "Unmei CHACHACHACHA~N / Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!" as track #2.


There are currently two recorded versions of "Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!" found in OCHA NORMA and Hello! Project's discography. These versions are:

Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!
Found on the "Unmei CHACHACHACHA~N / Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!" single as track #2.
Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan! (Instrumental)
Found on the "Unmei CHACHACHACHA~N / Uchira no Jimoto wa Chikyuu Jan!" single as track #4 (track #5 on the regular editions). This is the standard version without the main vocals.

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