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Yoru wo Oyoideta

Haru to Shura Album Cover
Haru Nemuri
Yoru wo Oyoideta (夜を泳いでた; Night swimming)
Haru Nemuri
Haru Nemuri


"Yoru wo Oyoideta" is a song recorded by Haru Nemuri. It appears as track #8 on her first full album, Haru to Shura.


There are several versions of "Yoru wo Oyoideta" to be found in Haru Nemuri's discography. They are listed below chronologically by the order of release:

Yoru wo Oyoideta
Found on her first full album, Haru to Shura, as track #8. This is the standard version of the song.
Yoru wo Oyoideta (Nemu remix)
Found on her first full album, Haru to Shura, as track #15. This is a version of the song that was remixed by Haru Nemuri herself.