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Brave Heart (MAY'S)

Dreaming Cover
Brave Heart
Katagiri Maiko
Other Information
Programming & Arrangement: NAUGHTY BO-Z
Track Recorded by Shibusawa Shunsuke at siv studio
Mixed by Shibusawa Shunsuke at Sound City

"Brave Heart" is an R&B song recorded by MAY'S. The song is found on their Dreaming album as track #16 and a remix is found on their "I WISH single as track #3. The remix was used as the dorama Hyoryu Net Cafe theme song.


There are two versions of "Brave Heart" to be found in MAY'S's discography. These versions, listed chronologically, are:

Brave Heart
Found on MAY'S's debut album "Dreaming" as track #16. This is the standard version.
Brave Heart (Remix)
Found on MAY'S's fourth single I WISH as track #3. This version was used as a theme song in a dorama.