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Dareka no Tame no Hikari

Innocent Sister event promotional
Serena Cadenzavna Eve (CV: Horie Yui)
Dareka no Tame no Hikari (誰かのためのヒカリ; A Light for Someone's Sake)
Agematsu Noriyasu (Elements Garden)
Mori Haruki (Elements Garden)
Other Information
Arrangement: Mori Haruki (Elements Garden)


"Dareka no Tame no Hikari" is a song recorded by Serena Cadenzavna Eve (CV: Horie Yui). It is found on the character album Senki Zesshou Symphogear XD UNLIMITED Character Song Album 1 as track #6. It was used as the theme for the Innocent Sister event in the game Senki Zesshou Symphogear XD Unlimited, which will run from February 1st to February 13th, 2018. The track is Horie's first solo song for the franchise.