On behalf of all of Generasia, we wish you all a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Hikari -I Promise You-

Kurosaki Maon
Hikari -I promise you- (光; Light)
Kurosaki Maon
Dewa Yoshiaki
Other Information
Arrangement: Dewa Yoshiaki


"Hikari -I promise you- " is a song recorded by Kurosaki Maon. The song was used as ending theme song for the 4th OVA of the anime Hakuouki Sekkaroku.


There are currently two versions of "Hikari -I promise you-" to be found in Kurosaki Maon's discography.

Hikari -I promise you- (光-I promise you-)
Found on the Goshiki Uta -Immortal Lovers- mini-album as track #4. This is the main version.
Hikari -I promise you- <instrumental> (光-I promise you-<instrumental>)
Found on the Goshiki Uta -Immortal Lovers- mini-album as track #9. This is the instrumental version.