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Fakin' Pop

Album art
Hirai Ken
Catalog Number
  2. Kimi wa Su・Te・Ki♥ (君はス・テ・キ♥; You are Beau・ti・ful♥)
  3. Kimi no Suki na Koto (君の好きなとこ; The Place You Like)
  4. Canvas (キャンバス)
  5. Pain
  6. fake star
  7. UPSET
  8. Utsukushii Ito (美しい人; Beautiful One)
  9. Elegy (哀歌(エレジー))
  10. Twenty! Twenty! Twenty!
  11. By My Melody (バイマイメロディー)
  12. Itsuka Hanareru Hi ga Kite mo (いつか離れる日が来ても; The Day May Come When Someday We Shall Part)
  13. Shashin (写真; Photos)


FAKIN' POP is the seventh album released by Hirai Ken. It reached #2 on the Oricon charts and sold 332,297 copies becoming the #28 best-selling album of 2008.

"Itsuka Hanareru Hi ga Kite mo" was later released as a re-cut single, due to a movie tie-in.

Oricon Charts Positions

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week Rank Sales
- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 161,038
5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 64,854
8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 31,106
12 13 12 12 12 12 13 13 14,886
31 25 23 23 18 17 18 23 8,144
34 32 22 21 17 18 18 23 7,357
18 33 28 20 19 14 14 19 9,361
20 22 21 22 21 16 18 20 8,767
20 16 16 19 18 15 17 18 6,764
16 31 34 26 27 22 22 27 4,309
25 50 47 40 38 42 50 46 3,208
37 - - - - - - 69 2,484
- - - - - - - 82 2,136
- - - - - - - 76 1,936
- - - - - - - 91 1,652
- - - - - - - 134 1,632
- - - - - - - 169 1,045
- - - - - - - 182 920
- - - - - - - 222 698

Total Reported Sales: 332,297

External Links