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Mukashi Natsukashi Soushuuhen + Omake Tsuki

From generasia
Album Cover
Mukashi Natsukashi Soushuuhen + Omake Tsuki (昔懐カシ総集編+オマケつき; Compilation of Olden Day Dear Lyrics + Attached Bonus)
Catalog Number
CD Tracklist
  1. Itsuwari no Jouzai (偽リノ錠剤; False Pills)
  2. Occult Proposal (オカルトプロポーズ)
  3. Mommy x Daddy (マミー×ダでぃ)
  4. ...-san ga Koronda!! (...サンガコロンダ!!; ...-san Fell Down!!)
  5. Haiiro Toiki (灰色吐息; A Gray Sigh)
  6. I my Aimai (アイマイ)
  7. Torikabuto (とりかぶと; Aconitum carmichaelii)
  8. Gyaku Gire (逆ギレ; Inverted Angry Outburst)
  9. Shasei Sankai Narcolepsy (射精3回ナルコレプシー; Three Ejaculations Narcolepsy)
  10. Karakuri Romance (カラクリロマンス; A Contrivance Romance)
  11. Toumei na Kago (透明ナカゴ; Transparent Cage)
  12. Heiwa no Utai (平和ノ謡; Chant of Peace)
  13. Kichigai TV (人間界TV; Human World TV)
DVD Tracklist
  1. Shinbun Masukomi Kankeisha no Kata e... (PV) (新聞マスコミ関係者の方へ...; To the Concerned Persons at the Mass Communications Newspaper)


"Mukashi Natsukashi Soushuuhen + Omake Tsuki" is the second best of album released by Vidoll. The CD part is a combination of the mini-albums Mukashi Natsukashi Ningyou Shuu ~Sono Ichi~, and Mukashi Natsukashi Ningyou Shuu ~Sono Ni~. There is also a new re-recording of the other single "Kichigai TV". The DVD is a new PV, it is one of the B-sides of the single "Wagahai wa, Korosuke Nari...". This was released in a CD+DVD only format. This is also a limited release having only 10,000 copies. The album reached #107 on the major Oricon chart, where it charted for a week.

External Links
