On behalf of all of Generasia, we wish you all a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!


Album Cover
DAOKO, Yamaguchi Yohei (NEURØGENESIS, Okada Keisuke (NEURØGENESIS), Kojima Hideya (ORESAMA)
Other Information
Arrangement: Kojima Hideya (ORESAMA)


"CRASHER" is a song recorded by DAOKO. It can be found on as track #11 on the collaborative album DAOKO × Dragalia Lost.


There are five versions of "CRASHER" currently in DAOKO's discography. These versions are:

Found on the DAOKO × Dragalia Lost album as track #11. This is the standard version of the song. It was used as background music in the game Dragalia Lost.
CRASHER (Instrumental)
This is the standard version of the song without DAOKO's vocals. It was used as background music for Dragalia Lost, but otherwise has not been officially released.
CRASHER (Dragalia Lost Story Instrumental)
This is a remixed version of the instrumental used for some story portions of the Dragalia Lost game. It has not been officially released.
CRASHER (Dragalia Lost Event Version)
This is a remixed version of the song that has some added synths and adds some extra effects to DAOKO's vocals. It was used as background music for the "Notte's Slumber Shot" special event in the game, and has not been officially released.
CRASHER (Dragalia Lost Event Version Instrumental)
This is the remixed event version of the song without DAOKO's vocals. Like the vocal counterpart, it has not been officially released.