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Album Cover
Onyanko Club
Kahou (家宝; Heirloom)
Catalog Number
D50P-6066 (CD)
Disc 1 Tracklist
  1. NO MORE Renai Gokko (NO MORE 恋愛ごっこ; No More Love Done Together)
  2. Koi wa Question (恋はくえすちょん; Love is a Question)
  3. Watanabe Marina with Onyanko Club - Shinkokyuu Shite (深呼吸して; Take a Deep Breath)
  4. Takai Mamiko - Melody (メロディ)
  5. Takai Mamiko - Cinderella-tachi e no Dengon (シンデレラたちへの伝言)
  6. Kokusho Sayuri with Onyanko Club - Valentine Kiss (バレンタイン・キッス)
  7. Kokusho Sayuri - Natsu wo Mattenai (夏を待てない; I Won't Wait for Summer)
  8. Kawai Sonoko with Onyanko Club - Koi no College Ring (恋のカレッジ・リング; Love's College Ring)
  9. Kawai Sonoko - Aoi Station (青いスタスィオン; Blue Station)
  10. Nitta Eri - Koi no Rope wo Hodo Kanaide (恋のロープをほどかないで)
  11. Nitta Eri - Naisho de Roman Eiga (内緒で浪漫映画; A Romance Film by Secrecy)
  12. Nitta Eri - Fuyu no Opera Glass (冬のオペラグラス; Winter's Opera Glass)
  13. Jaa ne (じゃあね; Bye)
  14. Natsuyasumi wa Owaranai (夏休みは終わらない; Summer Vacation is Not Over)
  15. Makka na Jitensha (真赤な自転車; Bright Red Bicycle)
Disc 2 Tracklist
  1. Sailor Fuku wo Nugasanaide (セーラー服を脱がさないで; Don't Touch the Sailor Suit)
  2. Oyoshi ni Natte ne TEACHER (およしになってねTEACHER)
  3. Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi - Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi (うしろゆびさされ組)
  4. Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi - Nagisa no "..." (渚の『・・・・・』; The Beach's Parenthesis)
  5. Yoshizawa Akie - Kisetsu Hazure no Koi (季節はずれの恋; Unseasonable Love)
  6. Utsumi Kazuko - Aoi Memories (蒼いメモリーズ; Blue Memories)
  7. Seaside Session (シーサイド・セッション)
  8. Nyangilas - Jibun de Yuu no mo Nan Desu Keredo (自分でゆーのもなんですけれど)
  9. Fukunaga Satomi - Kaze no Invitation (風のInvitation; The Wind's Invitation)
  10. Fukunaga Satomi - Heart no Ignition (ハートのIgnition; Heart's Ignition)
  11. Jounouchi Sanae with Onyanko Club - Onyanko Club no Abunai~i Torimochou (おニャン子クラブのあぶな〜い捕物帳; Onyanko Club's Dangerous Detective Story)
  12. Jounouchi Sanae - Ajisabashi (あじさい橋; Ajisa Bridge}
  13. Watanabe Minayo - Hitomi ni Yakusoku (瞳に約束; A Promise in the Eyes)
  14. Otto CHIKAN! (おっとCHIKAN!)
  15. Osaki ni Shitsurei (お先に失礼; Pardon Me for Leaving)


Kahou is Onyanko Club's fourth best album. It features various songs from the group, the subgroups Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi and Nyangilas, and the soloists of the group.