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Singer for Singer

Album art
Catalog Number
  1. Let It Smile / MISIA×Kubota Toshinobu
  2. Hoshizora no Katasumi de (星空の片隅で; In the Corner of the Starry Sky) / MISIA×Fujii Fumiya
  3. Fuyu no Etranger (冬のエトランジェ; Stranger to the Winter) / MISIA×TAKURO & TERU (from GLAY)
  4. Mama Says / MISIA×Chara
  5. Kimi Dake ga Inai Sekai (君だけがいない世界; A World Only Without You) / MISIA×Miyazawa Kazufumi (THE BOOM)
  6. Birthday Cake / MISIA×Higa Eisho (BEGIN)
  7. Niji no Lalala (虹のラララ; Rainbow's Lalala) / MISIA×Tamaki Koji
  8. Kaze no Nai Asa, Hoshi no Nai Yoru (風のない朝 星のない夜; A Windless Morning, A Starless Night) / MISIA×Miyazawa Kazufumy (THE BOOM)
  9. Namae no Nai Sora wo Miagete (名前のない空を見上げて; I Look Up at the Nameless Sky) / MISIA×Tamaki Koji
  10. Holy Hold Me / MISIA×Kubota Toshinobu


SINGER FOR SINGER is the sixth album released by MISIA. It is a concept album in which MISIA collaborated with some well-know singers. "Let It Smile" was used as the Toyota WISH CM song, "Fuyu no Etranger" was used as the movie Umineko theme song, "Hoshizora no Katasumi de" was used as the dorama Minna Mukashi wa Kodomo Datta theme song and "Niji no Lalala" was used as the cosmetic company Kao's Bioré range CM song.

The album reached #3 on Oricon charts and charted in the top 300 for 20 weeks. At the end of the 2005 Oricon year the album had sold a total of 369,548 copies, making it the #36 album of the year.

Oricon Charts Positions

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week Rank Sales
- x x x x x x 3 167,518
x x x x x x x 6 71,037
x x x x x x x 7 46,159
x x x x x x x 13 35,986
x x x x x x x 23 8,752
x x x x x x x 27 7,516

Total Reported Sales: 336,968

World Chart Positions

Week 1
Position 21

External Links