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Urideurui Sarang (Our Love)

Super Junior
Urideurui Sarang (Our Love) (우리들의 사랑)
Yoo Jae Ha, Leonn (Japanese)
Yoo Jae Ha
Other Information
Arrangement: Kenzie


"Urideurui Sarang (Our Love)" is a song recorded by Super Junior. It can be found on their second album Don't Don!, as track #11. It is also included in the repackaged version of the album, as track #12.


Urideurui Sarang (Our Love)
Found on Don't Don! album as track #11 and Don't Don! repackage album as track #12. This is the standard Korean version.
Our Love (Japanese)
Found on "Sexy, Free & Single" single as track #2 and Hero album as track #7. This is a rearranged version of the standard version with Japanese lyrics.