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Petit Best 3

From generasia
CD Cover
Hello! Project
Petit Best 3 (プッチベスト3)
Release date
2002.12.18 (CD)
2004.12.15 (DVD)
Catalog number
EPCE-5193 (CD)
EPBE-5161 (DVD)
¥3,059 (CD)
¥3,990 (DVD)
CD Track listing
  1. Shiawase Beam! Suki Suki Beam! (幸せビーム!好き好きビーム) - Happy♡7
  2. Shiawase Desu ka? (幸せですか?) - Sexy 8
  3. Shiawase Kyouryuu Ondo (幸せきょうりゅう音頭) - Odoru♡11
  4. Do it! Now (CRAZY SODA REMIX) - Morning Musume
  5. ♡Momoiro Kataomoi♡ (♡桃色片思い♡) - Matsuura Aya
  6. Ai~n! Dance no Uta (MORE TRANCE REMIX) (アイーン!ダンスの唄(MORE TRANCE REMIX)) - Bakatono-sama to Minimoni-hime
  7. Murasaki Shikibu (ムラサキシキブ) - Heike Michiyo
  8. Yaruki! IT'S EASY (やる気!IT'S EASY) - Goto Maki
  9. Tokyo Bijin (東京美人) - Nakazawa Yuko
  10. Romantic Ukare Mode (ロマンティク浮かれモード) - Fujimoto Miki
  11. BE HAPPY Koi no Yajirobee (BE HAPPY恋のやじろべえ) - Tanpopo
  12. Kousui (香水) - Melon Kinenbi
  13. Atarashii Koi no Hatsu Date (新しい恋の初デート) - Country Musume. ni Ishikawa Rika (Morning Musume)
  14. Chokotto LOVE (2003 Version) (ちょこっとLOVE(2003 Version)) - Petitmoni
  15. Mr. Moonlight ~Ai no Big Band~ (Hawaiian Version) (Mr.Moonlight~愛のビッグバンド~(ハワイアンVersion)) - Coconuts Musume
  17. Megami ~Mousse na Yasashisa~ (女神~Mousseな優しさ~) - Venus Mousse
DVD Track listing
  1. Shiawase Beam! Suki Suki Beam! (幸せビーム!好き好きビーム) - Happy♡7
  2. Shiawase Desu ka? (幸せですか?) - Sexy 8
  3. Shiawase Kyouryuu Ondo (幸せきょうりゅう音頭) - Odoru♡11
  4. Do it! Now (CRAZY SODA REMIX) - Morning Musume
  5. ♡Momoiro Kataomoi♡ (♡桃色片思い♡) - Matsuura Aya
  6. Genki Jirushi no Oomori Song (げんき印の大盛りソング) - Minimoni to Ai Takahashi + 4KIDS
  7. Murasaki Shikibu (ムラサキシキブ) - Heike Michiyo
  8. Yaruki! IT'S EASY (やる気!IT'SEASY) - Goto Maki
  9. Tokyo Bijin (東京美人) - Nakazawa Yuko
  10. Romantic Ukare Mode (ロマンティク浮かれモード) - Fujimoto Miki
  11. BE HAPPY Koi no Yajirobee (BEHAPPY恋のやじろべえ) - Tanpopo
  12. Kousui (香水) - Melon Kinenbi
  13. BYE BYE Saigo no Yoru (BYE BYE 最後の夜) - Country Musume. ni Ishikawa Rika (Morning Musume)
  14. Morning Musume Single Medley ~Hawaiian~ (モーニング娘。シングルメドレー~ハワイアン~) - Takagi Boo, Morning Musume, Coconuts Musume, Fujumoto Miki, and Ishii Rika

Petit Best 3 is the 3rd best album in the Petit Best albums, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year that feature best hits from the artists of Hello! Project during that year, with an occasional remix or new song included.

This album featured 6 tracks previously unreleased on a CD. The fourth track is a remix of Morning Musume's 15th single. The 6th track is a remix of the second A-side of Minimoni's fifth single. The 13th track would eventually be released on Country Musume's best album Country Musume Mega Best. The 14th track was a version of Petitmoni's first single Chokotto LOVE featuring the group's third-generation line-up. The 16th and 17th tracks were promotional for the popular snack food Pocky. The songs were performed by special sub-units of Morning Musume and would eventually appear in "original long versions" on Morning Musume's fifth album No.5.

The Petit Best 3 DVD was not released until 2004, alongside the DVDs for Petit Best 1, 2, and 5. It features PVs related to the album tracks.

Members featured in this release

External links