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Meitantei Conan Halloween no Hanayome Original Soundtrack
From generasia

- Soundtrack of
- Meitantei Conan Halloween no Hanayome (探偵コナン ハロウィンの花嫁; Detective Conan The Bride of Halloween)
- Album
- MeiMeitantei Conan Halloween no Hanayome Original Soundtrack (名探偵コナン ハロウィンの花嫁 オリジナル・サウンドトラック; Detective Conan The Bride of Halloween Original Soundtrack)
- Released
- 2022.04.13
- Catalog Number
- JBCJ-9080
- Price
- ¥3,143
- Tracklist
- Eien no Ai no Chikai (永遠の愛の誓い; Oath of Eternal Love)
- Kubiwa Bakudan (首輪爆弾; Collar Bomb)
- Yokou Enshuu (予行演習; Rehearsal Exercise)
- Meitantei Conan Main Theme (Halloween no Hanayome Version) (名探偵コナン メインテーマ (ハロウィンの花嫁ヴァージョ; Detective Conan Main Theme (The Bride of Halloween Version))
- Dengurigaeshi (でんぐり返し; Roll)
- Tablet to Memo (タブレットとメモ; Tablet and Memo)
- Meishi (名刺; Business card)
- Kaisou ~Remember~ (回想 ~リメンバー~; Recollection ~Remember~)
- Keiseki (形跡; Traces)
- Rifujin na Meirei (理不尽な命令; Unreasonable orders)
- Jealousy (ジェラシー)
- Fianse to no Deai (フィアンセとの出会い; Encounter with the Fiance)
- Koisuru Kimi e (恋する君へ; To the One I Love)
- Chika Shelter (地下シェルター; Underground Shelter)
- Yonnin no Yakusoku (4人の約束; The Promise of 4 People)
- Sannen mae no Jiken (3年前の事件; The Case from 3 Years Ago)
- Tatakai no Hibuta (闘いの火蓋; The Battle of Gun's Apron)
- Zunousen ~Isshinittai no Koubou~ (頭脳戦 ~一進一退の攻防~; Brain Battle ~Battle of Advances and Retreats~)
- Zettai Zetsumei ~Yureru Unmei~ (絶体絶命 ~揺れる運命~; Desperate Situation ~Shaking Destiny~)
- Sora kara no Orei (空からのお礼; Thank You from The Sky)
- Bokura no Kyuujitsu (僕らの休日; Our Holiday)
- Saikyou no Tanteitachi (最強の探偵達; The Strongest Detectives)
- Tonda Present (とんだプレゼント; Unexpeted Present)
- Kinpaku no Speakerphone (緊迫のスピーカーフォン; The Tension Speakerphone)
- Shoutai Fumei no Koroshi-ya (正体不明の殺し屋; Unidentified Killer)
- Nanraka no Unagari (何らかの繋がり; Some Kind of Connection)
- Kiken na Sasoi (危険な誘い; Dangerous Invitation)
- Trick or Treat (トリックオアトリート)
- Fukushuu no Chikai (復讐の誓い; Oath of Revenge)
- Ajito ~Wana~ (アジト ~罠~; Hideout ~Trap~)
- Hontou no Teki wa… (本当の敵は...; The Real Enemy is...)
- Teki kara no Keikoku (敵からの警告; Warning from The Enemy)
- Kousakusuru Mokuteki (交錯する目的; Mixing Purpose)
- Toketeiku Nazo (解けていく謎; Unraveling Mystery)
- Fuan to Zattou (不安と雑踏; Anxiety and Chaos)
- Halloween Quiz (ハロウィンクイズ)
- Chikai no Gishiki ~Fumie~ (誓いの儀式 ~踏み絵~; Oath Ceremony ~Fumie~)
- Chinurareta Wedding Dress (血塗られたウエディングドレス; Bloody Wedding Dress)
- Kutsujoku no Fukushuu to Daishou (屈辱の復讐と代償; Revenge and Compensation for Humiliation)
- Unmei no Lantern (運命のランタン; Lantern of Destiny)
- Present no Okaeshi ~Saigo no Tatakai (プレゼントのお返し~最後の戦い; Return of the Present ~The Last Battle)
- Ikari ni Nureta Pride (怒りに塗れたプライド; Pride in Anger)
- Haretsu (破裂; Explosion)
- Nikushimi to Kanashimi o Daite (憎しみと悲しみを抱いて; With Hatred and Sadness)
- Kimi ga Ireba (Halloween no Hanayome Version) (キミがいれば (ハロウィンの花嫁ヴァージョン); If You're There (The Bride of Halloween Version))
- Yureugoku Unmei ~Kiseki o Shinjite~ Meitantei Conan Main Theme (Halloween no Hanayome Version) (揺れ動く運命~奇跡を信じて~名探偵コナンメインテーマ(ハロウィンの花嫁ヴァージョン); Trembling Destiny ~ Believe in Miracle~ Detective Conan Main Theme (The Bride of Halloween Version))
- Ano Hi no Kimi e (あの日のキミへ; To You on That Day)
- Dotabata Rock (ドタバタロック; Slapstick Rock)
- Information
Meitantei Conan Halloween no Hanayome Original Soundtrack is the soundtrack album released for the twenty-fifth Meitantei Conan movie Halloween no Hanayome.
Oricon Charts
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Week Rank | Sales |
12 | 18 | x | 10 | 11 | 6 | 20 | 2,643 | |
x | x | 25 | 21 | 25 | 26 | 8 | x | x |
x | x | x | x | x | x | 22 | x | x |
x | x | x | x | x | x | 19 | 50 | 663 |
23 | x | x | x | x | x | 25 | 32 | 806 |
x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
x | x | x | x | x | x | 25 | x | x |
Year | Month | Rank | Sales |
2022 | April | 45 | 4,932 |
- Total Reported Sales (Physical): 4,112*
External Links