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Meitantei Conan Hiiro No Dangan Original Soundtrack
From generasia

- Soundtrack of
- Meitantei Conan Hiiro No Dangan (探偵コナン 緋色の弾丸; Detective Conan The Scarlet Bullet)
- Album
- Meitantei Conan Hiiro No Dangan Original Soundtrack (名探偵コナン 緋色の弾丸 オリジナル・サウンドトラック; Detective Conan The Scarlet Bullet Original Soundtrack)
- Released
- 2021.04.14
- Catalog Number
- JBCJ-9068
- Price
- ¥3,143
- Tracklist
- William Tell Jokyoku (ウィリアム・テル序曲; William Tell Overture)
- WSG Tokyo (WSG東京)
- Sonoko ni Onegai! (園子にお願い!; Please Sonoko!)
- Blackout (ブラックアウト)
- Yukue Fumei? (行方不明?; Missing?)
- Shounen Tanteidan Pose (少年探偵団ポーズ; Detective Boys Pose)
- Yukue Fumei no Nazo (行方不明の謎; Mystery of the Missing)
- Genta no Katsuyaku (元太の活躍; Genta's Activity
- Omoidashita Hanashi (思い出した話; The Story I Remembered)
- Meitantei Conan Main Theme (Hiiro no Dangan Version) (名探偵コナンメインテーマ (緋色の弾丸ヴァージョン); Detective Conan Main Theme (The Scarlet Bullet Version))
- Platinum Ticket (プラチナチケット)
- Hakase no Nazotoki (博士の謎解き; Professor's Riddle Solution)
- FBI no Jikenbo (FBIの事件簿; FBI Case Files)
- Jiken no Sonogo (事件のその後; After the Case)
- Yumi to Shukichi (由美と秀吉; Yumi and Shukichi)
- Irainin no Himitsu (依頼人の秘密; Client's Secret)
- Jiko Shoukai (自己紹介; Self Introduction)
- Schedule Happyou (スケジュール発表; Schedule Announcement)
- Shinichi to Ran no Amanogawa (新一と蘭の天の川; Shinichi and Ran in the Milky Way)
- Kuukou Touchaku (空港到着; Arrival at the Airport)
- Kamen Yaiba no Theme (仮面ヤイバーのテーマ; Kamen Yaiba's Theme)
- Kaikoroku (回顧録; Recollection)
- FBI no Jouhou (FBIの情報; FBI Information)
- Machibuse (待ちぶせ; Waiting)
- Bakuen (爆煙; Smoke Bomb)
- Motor Chase (モーター・チェイス)
- Motor Chase II (モーター・チェイスII)
- Haibara no Setsumei (灰原の説明; Haibara's Explanation)
- Taiketsu no Toki (対決の時; Time of Confrontation)
- Taiketsu no Toki II (対決の時II; Time of Confrontation II)
- Mokugeki Jouhou (目撃情報; Eyewitness Information)
- Kioku no Naka no Jiken (記憶の中の事件; The Case in Memory)
- Conan to Sera (コナンと世良; Conan and Sera)
- Linea no Shikumi (リニアの仕組み; How the Linear System Works)
- Conan no Sousa (コナンの捜査; Conan's Investigation)
- Hakken (発見; Discovery)
- Hannin wo Oitsumero (犯人を追い詰めろ; Hunt Down the Culprit)
- Douki no Kokuhaku (動機の告白; Confession of Motive)
- Fukushuu no Trigger (復讐のトリガー; Revenge Trigger)
- Dangan Linea (弾丸リニア; Bullet Linear)
- Jiken wa Owaranai (事件は終わらない; The Case Is Not Over)
- Conan to Haibara no Suiri (コナンと灰原の推理; Conan and Haibara's Deduction)
- Hannin no Urami (犯人の恨み: The Culprit's Grudge)
- Kogoro no Tsuiseki (小五郎の追跡; Kogoro's Chase)
- Shinkuu Choudendou Linea (真空超電導リニア; Vacuum Superconducting Linear)
- Yuudou Sakusen (誘導作戦; Guidance Strategy)
- Bousou (暴走; Runaway)
- Shukichi no Itte (秀吉の一手; Shukichi's Move)
- Koubou no Steering (攻防のステアリング; Steering for Attack and Defense)
- Kessen no Steering (決戦のステアリング; Steering of Decisive Battle)
- Unmei no Kick (運命のキック; Destiny's Kick)
- Shinjitsu no Omomi (真実の重み; The Importance of Truth)
- No Need to Kill
- Keikoku no Juukou (警告の銃口; Warning Muzzle)
- Fine (フィーネ)
- Information
Meitantei Conan Hiiro no Dangan Original Soundtrack is the soundtrack album released for the twenty-fourth Meitantei Conan movie Hiiro no Dangan. It debuted on Oricon charts at #21 with 1,717 sales on its first week.
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