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Meitantei Conan Ijigen no Sniper Original Soundtrack

From generasia
Soundtrack Cover
Soundtrack of
Meitantei Conan Ijigen no Sniper (名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手; Detective Conan Dimensional Sniper)
Meitantei Conan Ijigen no Sniper Original Soundtrack (名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手 オリジナル・サウンドトラック; Detective Conan Dimensional Sniper Original Soundtrack)
Catalog Number
  1. Bell Tree Tower (ベルツリータワー)
  2. Acrophobia (アクロフォビア)
  3. Tenbō-dai Kara no Choubou (展望台からの眺望; The View from the Observation Deck)
  4. Usankusai Otoko (胡散臭い男; Suspicious Man)
  5. Zenchou (前兆; Omen)
  6. Jiken no Hassei (事件の発生; The Case Occurs)
  7. Meitantei Conan Main Theme (名探偵コナン メイン・テーマ(狙撃手ヴァージョン); Detective Conan Main Theme (Sniper Version))
  8. Isoide Konan!! (急いでコナン!!; Hurry, Conan!!)
  9. Chase (チェイス)
  10. Nogasu ka! (逃すか!; You're Not Getting Away!)
  11. Ambush
  12. Sera no Toujou (世良の登場; Sera Appears)
  13. Genba e Kyuukou! (現場へ急行!; Express to the Site!)
  14. Akirameru na (あきらめるな; Don't Give Up)
  15. Juudan no Wana (銃弾の罠; Bullet Trap)
  16. Sniper no Theme (スナイパーのテーマ; Sniper's Theme)
  17. Hunter no Blues (ハンターのブルース; The Hunter's Blues)
  18. Battlefield (バトルフィールド)
  19. Iryuu-hin (遺留品; Personal Effects)
  20. Hunter no Emono (ハンターの獲物; The Hunter's Prey)
  21. Ran no Shinpai (蘭の心配; Ran's Worries)
  22. Sera no Hirameki (世良のひらめき; Sera's Inspiration)
  23. Metabolic Agasa (メタボリック阿笠)
  24. Agasa no Waltz (阿笠のワルツ; Agasa's Waltz)
  25. FBI Jouhou (FBI情報; FBI Information)
  26. Kodomo-tachi no Shukudai (子供たちの宿題; The Children's Homework)
  27. Agasa no Quiz (阿笠のクイズ; Agasa's Quiz)
  28. Haibara no Quiz (灰原のクイズ; Haibara's Quiz)
  29. Nokezoru Agasa (のけぞる阿笠; Bending Backward Agasa)
  30. Hotaru no Hika -Auld Lang Syne- (蛍の光; Firefly's Light)
  31. Jouhou Shuushuu (情報収集; Information Gathering)
  32. Undercover (アンダー・カバー)
  33. Kyuukyoku no Hyouteki (究極の標的; The Ultimate Target)
  34. Rifle Scope (ライフルスコープ)
  35. Shoujun (照準; Alignment)
  36. Bouzen to Suru Futari (茫然とする二人; Two Stunned People)
  37. Futari no Tantei (二人の探偵; The Two Detectives)
  38. Saikoro (サイコロ; Dice)
  39. Hunter no Shinri (ハンターの心理; The Hunter's Psychology)
  40. Tsugi no Hyouteki (次の標的; The Next Target)
  41. Ajito (アジト; Hideout)
  42. Sniper no Theme Type 2 (スナイパーのテーマ; Sniper's Theme)
  43. Sniper no Theme Type 3 (スナイパーのテーマ; Sniper's Theme)
  44. Suiri Suru Kogoro (推理する小五郎; Kogoro Gives His Deduction)
  45. Conan no Konwaku (コナンの困惑; Conan's Puzzle)
  46. Suiri Suru Kogoro Type 2 (推理する小五郎; Kogoro Gives His Deduction)
  47. Meitantei Kogoro (名探偵小五郎; The Great Detective Kogoro)
  48. Dou Suru? Conan (どうする?コナン; What Are You Going to Do, Conan?)
  49. Suiri Suru Conan (推理するコナン; Conan Gives His Deduction)
  50. Warudakumi (悪巧み; Intrigue)
  51. Sogeki (狙撃; Snipe)
  52. Jimichina Sousa (地道な捜査; Down-to-Earth Investigation)
  53. Suiri Suru Conan Type 2 (推理するコナン; Conan Gives His Deduction)
  54. Aseru Conan (焦るコナン; Impatient Conan)
  55. Skateboard (スケボー)
  56. Shageki Junbi (射撃準備; Shooting Preparation)
  57. Sniper no Shiten (スナイパーの視点; Sniper's Point of View)
  58. Sekkin (接近; Access)
  59. Nerawareta Conan (狙われたコナン; Conan is Targeted)
  60. Laser Pointer (レーザーポインター)
  61. Hassha (発射; Launch)
  62. Sogeki Kanryou (狙撃完了; Sniper Completion)
  63. Arata na Jijitsu (新たな事実; New Facts)
  64. Muted Blues
  65. Kyoudou Sousa (共同捜査; Joint Investigation)
  66. Fuon na Kehai (不穏な気配; Disturbing Signs)
  67. Hannin ga... (犯人が、、、; The Culprit is...)
  68. Think of Sera
  69. Gymnopedies -1ere Gymnopedies- (ジムノペディ)
  70. Jiken no Nioi (事件の匂い; Smell of a Case)
  71. Sousa Joukyou (捜査状況; Investigation Situation)
  72. Behind the Crime (ビハインド・ザ・クライム)
  73. Senpuku (潜伏; Latency)
  74. Hisokana Keiryaku (密かな計略; Secret Agenda)
  75. Taiketsu no Basho (対決の場所; Confrontation Location)
  76. Kodomo-tachi no Shukudai Type 2 (子供たちの宿題; The Children's Homework)
  77. Sogeki Basho (狙撃場所; Sniper Location)
  78. Kakushin no Movement (確信のムーブメント; Movement of Confidence)
  79. Kangaeru Conan (考えるコナン; Thinking Conan)
  80. Search (サーチ)
  81. Nazo wo Hodokou (謎を解こう; Let's Solve the Mystery)
  82. Semegi Ai (せめぎ合い; Mutual Clash)
  83. Paul no Yukue (ポールの行方; Paul's Whereabouts)
  84. Conan ni Semaru Kiki (コナンに迫る危機; The Crisis Approaching Conan)
  85. Masaka Yatsu ga... (まさかヤツが、、、; No Way He Is...)
  86. Hostage
  87. Kono Mama ja, Yarare Chimau! (このままじゃ、ヤラレちまう!; At This Rate, I'll Be Beaten!)
  88. Tantei Badge (探偵バッジ; Detective Badge)
  89. Shounen Tantei-dan Tamashii (少年探偵団魂; The Soul of the Detective Boys)
  90. Kinpaku no Toki (緊迫の時; Time of Tension)
  91. Meitantei Conan Main Theme (名探偵コナン メイン・テーマ; Detective Conan Main Theme)
  92. Fighting Ran (ファイティング蘭)
  93. Ando no Minna (安堵のみんな; Everyone's Relief)
  94. Ran no Heart (蘭のハート; Ran's Heart)
  95. O・wa・ri (お・わ・り; The End)


Meitantei Conan Ijigen no Sniper Original Soundtrack is the soundtrack album released for the eighteenth Meitantei Conan movie Ijigen no Sniper. It reached #190 on Oricon and charted for one week.

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