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SKE48 ni, Ima, Dekiru Koto ~2011.05.02 @ Akasaka Blitz~

- Artist
- SKE48
- SKE48 ni, Ima, Dekiru koto ~ 2011.05.02@AKASAKA BLITZ~ (SKE48に、今、できること ~2011.05.02@AKASAKA BLITZ~」)
- Released
- [2011.07.08]
- Catalog Number
- HMBH-1068/70
- Price
- ¥7,800
- Tracklist
- <Disc 1>
- overture
- Kyoki Mono yo. (強き者よ)
- Aozora Kataomoi (青空片想い)
- Gomen ne, Summer (ごめんね、SUMMER)
- 1! 2! 3! 4! Yoroshiku! (1!2!3!4! ヨロシク!)
- Glory days
- Pajama Drive (パジャマドライブ)
- Ookami no Pride (狼とプライド)
- Demo Demo no Namida (でもでもの涙)
- Wimbledonn he Tsureteitte (ウィンブルドンへ連れて行って)
- Tenshi no Shippo (天使のしっぽ)
- Kareha no Station (枯葉のステーション)
- Omoide Ijou (思い出以上)
- Shonichi (初日)
- Wasshoi E! (ワッショイE)
- Hazumisaki (羽豆岬)
- Kayobi n Yoru, Suiyoubi no Asa (火曜日の夜、水曜日の朝)
- Shojo wa mantasu ni nani wo suru (少女は真夏に何をする)
- Rakuen no Kaidan (楽園の階段)
- Sotsugyoushi no Wasuremono (卒業式の忘れもの)
- Cosmos no Kioku (コスモスの記憶)
- Dare ka no seini hashinai (誰かのせいにはしない)
- Seishun wa Hazukasii (青春は恥ずかしい)
- Chime wa LOVE SONG (チャイムはLOVE SONG)
- Pinocchio Gun (ピノキオ軍)
- Aitakatta (会いたかった)
- SKE48
- Sobani isasete (そばにいさせて)
- Banzai Venus (バンザイVenus)
- Koi no Onawa (SKE48 ver.) (恋のお縄)
- Two wo tsunaginagara (手をつなぎながら)
- Ai no Kazu (愛の数)
- <Disc 2>
– Naogya Day 1 Highlights -
- Nagiza no CHERRY (渚のCHERRY)
- Ame no Pianist (雨のピアニスト)
- Choco no Yukue (チョコの行方)
- Kaleidoscope (万華鏡)
- Onnanoko no Dairokkan (女の子の第六感)
- Nageki no Figure (嘆きのフィギュア)
- Kono mune no Barcode (この胸のバーコード)
- Junjyou Shuugi (純情主義)
- Kagami no Naka no Jean de Arc (鏡の中のジャンヌ・ダルク)
- Shiro Shirt (白いシャツ)
- Mirai no Tobira (未来の扉)
- Romance Rocket (ロマンスロケット)
- Jealousy no Alibi (ジェラシーのアリバイ)
- Seifuku no Me (制服の芽)
- Naogya Day 2 Highlights -
- Glory days
- Pajama Drive (パジャマドライブ)
- Ookami to Pride (狼とプライド)
- Demo Demo no Namida (でもでもの涙)
- Wimbledon he Tsureteitte (ウィンブルドンへ連れて行って)
- Tenshi no Shippo (天使のしっぽ)
- Kareha no Station (枯葉のステーション)
- Omoide Iijou (思い出以上)
- Two years later
- Kiss shite Soshichatta (キスして損しちゃった)
- Koi wo Kataru Shijin ni narenakute (恋を語る詩人になれなくて)
- Rope no Yuujyou (ロープの友情)
- <Disc 3>
- Akasaka BLITZ Making (赤坂BLITZ公演メイキング)
- Zepp Nagoya (Day & Night Performance) Making (Zepp Nagoya(昼・夜公演)メイキング)
- Zepp Nagoya (Night Performance) MC & short skits (Zepp Nagoya(夜公演)MC&寸劇)
- Team E profiles (チームEプロフィール映像)
- ”Sotsugyoushi no Wasuremono” PV Making (「卒業式の忘れもの」PVメイキング)
- ”Dare ka no Seini hashinai” PV Making (「誰かのせいにはしない」PVメイキング)
- Information
"SKE48 ni, Ima, Dekiru koto ~ 2011.05.02@AKASAKA BLITZ~" is a live DVD released by SKE48. The DVD will come with three discs: the first disc holds footage from their solo concert at the Akasaka BLITZ on May 2nd. It will also include MCs and short skits. Meanwhile, Disc 2 will have the group’s live from April 29th at Aichi’s Zepp Nagoya. The third disc will be a ‘making of’ DVD that includes clips of the Nagoya MCs and short skits, Team E’s profile, White team’s “Sotsugyousiki no Wasuremono“, and Red team’s “Dareka no sei ni ha shinai” making-of movie.
The live DVD will also come with a a special 16-page photo booklet and the second half of 2011 calendar.
Oricon Chart Positions
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Week Rank | Sales |
- | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | xx,xxx |
x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x,xxx |
Total Reported Sales: xx,xxx
External Links
- Oricon Profile: