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Uchiyama Natsuki
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Uchiyama Natsuki (内山奈月) is a Japanese pop singer and idol managed by AKS. She is a former member of AKB48 Team B.
- Birth Name: Uchiyama Natsuki (内山奈月)
- Nickname: Nakki (なっきー)
- Date of Birth: September 25, 1995
- Place of Birth: Kanagawa, Japan
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 160cm
- Groups:
- AKB48 (2012–2016)
- AKB48 Kenkyuusei (2012–2013)
- AKB48 Team 4 (2013–2014)
- AKB48 Team B (2014–2016)
- AKB48 (2012–2016)
AKB48 Song Participation
- "UZA" single
- Otona e no Michi (大人への道) (Kenkyuusei)
- "Eien Pressure" single
- Watashitachi no Reason (私たちのReason)
- "So long!" single
- Tsuyoi Hana (強い花) (Kenkyuusei)
- "Sayonara Crawl" single
- LOVE Shugyou (LOVE修行) (Kenkyuusei)
- "Heart Ereki" single
- Seijun Philosophy (清純フィロソフィー) (Team 4)
- "Mae Shika Mukanee" single
- Koi to ka... (恋とか...)
- "Labrador Retriever" single
- B Garden (Bガーデン) (Team B)
- "Kokoro no Placard" single
- Seikaku ga Warui Onna no Ko (性格が悪い女の子) (Future Girls)
- "Kibouteki Refrain" single
- Ambulance (Yurigumi)
- Loneliness Club (ロンリネスクラブ) (Team B)
- "Green Flash" single
- Yankee Rock (ヤンキーロック)
- Hatsukoi no Oshibe (初恋のおしべ) (Tentoumu Chu! & Kabutomu Chu!)
- "Halloween Night" single
- Mizu no Naka no Dendouritsu (水の中の伝導率) (Next Girls)
- Yankee Machine Gun (ヤンキーマシンガン)
- "Kuchibiru ni Be My Baby" single
- Kin no Hane wo Motsu Hito yo (金の羽根を持つ人よ) (Team B)
- Tsugi no Ashiato
- Team Zaka (チーム坂) (Minegishi Team 4)
- Koko ga Rhodes da, Koko de Tobe!
- Bokutachi no Ideology (僕たちのイデオロギー)
- To go de (To goで) (Kuramochi Team B)
- 0 to 1 no Aida
- Music Junkie (ミュージックジャンキー) (Team B)
Stage Units
- Idol Nante Yobanaide (アイドルなんて呼ばないで) (Back dancer)
- Lemon no Toshigoro (檸檬の年頃) (Zensa Girls)
- Romance Kakurenbo (ロマンスかくれんぼ) (Zensa Girl solo)
- Miniskirt no Yousei (ミニスカートの妖精) (Zensa Girls)
- AKB48 Kenkyuusei "Boku no Taiyou"
- Idol Nante Yobanaide (アイドルなんて呼ばないで) (Back dancer)
- Higurashi no Koi (ヒグラシノコイ)
- Gomen ne Jewel (ごめんね ジュエル) (Back dancer)
- Kataomoi no Taikakusen (片思いの対角線) (Back dancer)
- Glory days (Back dancer)
- AKB48 Kenkyuusei "Pajama Drive"
- Temodemo no Namida (てもでもの涙)
- Choco no Yukue (チョコの行方)
- Tenshi no Shippo (天使のしっぽ)
- Pajama Drive (パジャマドライブ)
- Temodemo no Namida (てもでもの涙)
- Kagami no Naka no Jeanne d'Arc (鏡の中のジャンヌ・ダルク)
- 1994nen no Raimei (1994年の雷鳴)
- Kikyou (帰郷)
- Originally a 14th generation member of Kenkyuusei, she was promoted to Team 4 on August 24, 2013, then transferred to Team B during the AKB48 Group Grand Shuffle in 2014. She announced her graduation from AKB48 on November 1, 2015. Her graduation ceremony was on January 31, 2016, and she graduated from the group on February 21, 2016.
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